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Jun 22, 2009


First off, my deepest apologies to you people out there who frequent my blog. I’ve been too busy, too tired or too lazy to write an entry. So this is a long post to compensate for the nineteen days I’ve not posted.

The more important updates first: To all those concerned people (thank you so much!), my mum is doing really good and recovering really well. Too well she spends her time at home getting herself addicted to And to those who know about nenek, she’s doing really well too. It seems that everyone’s doing really good. Alhamdulillah.

Now let’s talk about camp. YMC Service Learning Camp :D

I wouldn’t want to go into too much detail about the things we did. You can read about the camp on someone else’s blog! Hahaha.

Firstly, I would like to thank Junie Zafira Juwandah for dragging me to a camp I thought would bore me to death. “Thanks Junie! You’re the best!”

For me – and (I think) most of the others – the highlight of day one was meeting Paralympians at a swimming event at Clementi. I actually made friends with kids with Down-syndrome. To tell you the truth, I didn’t see myself interacting with them at first partly because I was rather scared of them. I guess I was being rather disrespectful ‘cos when I managed to talk to them I found that they were really warm people. They were happy and cheerful and everybody was their best friend. After waiting and hesitating for quite some time I found myself chatting with two girls [hahaha] Nurul and … and I managed to make them sing for me! Best ah! It was kinda cool interacting with them, talking about everyday things like superstars and tv shows and bgr and things like that, and that really made my day. I guess this was the most memorable experience from camp.

The other things that happened on day one were ice breakers, Soccer & Frisbee, two other workshops at the wisma and a visit to some Eco Exhibition. The exhibition kinda sucked (and I think everyone agrees with me on this point) but I had fun laughing at/with Abang Eman.

The second day had both good and bad points. But I believe everyone came back with their own learning points. [Chey!] No, really. Carrying Junie on self made stretchers (made from two pieces of wood, a few strings and canvas) for a few kilometers really tested our team spirit, patience and endurance and everything else. And having only two guys on the team didn’t really help. Despite all that shit we managed to pull through, singing songs to entertain ourselves (or maybe only the girls sang)… and personally I think it was this shit that really brought us together as a team. [^^ Some wise words there] Really. Oh, and I think our (very annoying) instructor was another piece of shit.

The rest of the camp was spent playing games I’ve never played before in my life (like Shoot. Shag. Marry. and Aisyah’s weird thumb games etc.), learning cool things from an experienced Mat from the batch of ’89 who is a failure – ‘cos he came from a good school, but only managed to get a diploma in something that has nothing to do with his current job – but with a great heart for teenagers and volunteerism :D, and also getting to know many cool and fun people. Oh, and I’ve now a very manly laugh thanks to people like Farahin, Aisyah, Zahirah, Syak, Ameera and many others. Heh heh, heh. Also, I’m now The Shagganator a.k.a. The Shaggable since people like to Shag me in the game.

[Pictures of Camp, soon. For now you can go Facebook and search]

I would also like to apologize to people for being rather sick at times. :(

End of writing about camp.

645 words and counting. Now I shall write about holidays.

  1. I’ve been to Musical World and I liked it. Good Job! :D
  2. Our YMC Presentation Group has gone through some bad times, but I think we’re okay now
  3. Had several meetings and practices for our songs
  4. My parents held kenduri at our place – which kinda sucked cos there was a lot of work to do
  5. I’ve had tuition lessons twice a week
  6. and I have been skipping my mengaji classes with nenek a lot
  7. Have been going for training three times a week
  8. Oh, and now I’m enjoying Facebook – Finally.

    To all you YMC people who wanna be linked, be a tagger and make me happy.

I shall end this post with something quite personal. Which I think should be in my blog.

I don’t usually do this, but I think I have to this time.

Dearest friend,

Sometimes we people make decisions we don’t wish to make, but at times we have to. Sometimes we make decisions for the benefit of our future. I think if you know me well enough, most of the decisions I make are really thought through, and if possible I would try my best to make you happy, to make us happy. To tell you the truth, it has been quite hard for me too. It’s hard to carry on with life when all I think about is you. I know it sounds rather sweet-talk and very cliché, but I really mean it. (I’ve never sweet-talked you into things right?) It’s hard to move on when things around me remind me of you. I had a really great time with you and I really treasure those moments we spent together. All those text messages about everyday stuff and the way we would get carried away talking about things that don’t really make sense made us happy. It also makes me wonder why things turned out this way.

I’m really disappointed I’m in your hate list now and even more so when you say you wish you hadn’t met me. I think we should learn from what we have had and maybe shouldn’t repeat our mistakes. I miss you so much it’s making me a little pathetic right now, writing msgs and saving it in drafts and talking to myself at times. But I know ‘we’ cannot happen, and I guess I have to go through this hard time myself and be strong. You should be strong too.

Putting aside all the shit that has happened, I thank you for spending time with me.
I am proud to have met you and I thank god for allowing me to spend great times with you. I hope the next guy you meet would have more patience, more love and perhaps come equipped with a better/hotter body. Haha. I wish you great luck in the future and really hope you get over this and be happy again. I like the happy you.

I hope this would be a better goodbye then the goodbye I last gave you.

The Super Hot Girlfriend broke up with Spiderman, then she met Superman but it didn’t work out.

So what happens next?

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