Two weeks ago, on the morning of Tuesday, 13th January 2009, all of us Victorians - from the batch of 2014 to the graduating batch to even the staff - were expecting great news for ourselves. That was because just the previous day nearly the whole of the school cohort (even the ever-so-cool housekeeper Uncle Foo) heard about the great (O-Level result) news. The school attained a Value-Add, again, for a few years consecutively already and so the principal was happy. We were certain, or at least quite convinced, that a happy Mr. Loh would get us a half-day off or maybe even a full-day, depending on the level of happiness.
As the big man stepped onto the platform at the parade square, the school welcomed him with an applaud like never before. He smiled and we all replied with expecting grins on our faces. The seniors are shouting for a half-day and that soon became a chant. "Half Day! Half Day! Half Day!" The atmosphere was phenomenal.
The result of all the chanting was a little bit more than we expected.
The headmaster declared half a day off on Monday. [By that time everyone was screaming like they just saw Britney Spears and Paris Hilton making love on stage]. Two and a half hours meant so much to us at that time, I wasn't sure why myself, but somehow it did. And that was not all in store for us. He declared an additional 1 day off after the Chinese new year break which meant we were going to have 5 straight days off from school. I was elated, and judging by the noise they all made I was sure everyone else was too.
Now, on the 26th of January 2009, I find myself questioning why I am hating this break so much. Hmm, perhaps it's because I find myself staring into space nearly half of my waking hours - an additional 150% more than usual days. So what do I do the rest of the day? Mostly nothing constructive or anything to be proud of. And then, to worsen the already spoiled mood, there is project work - tons of it.
I am imagining my teachers having fun frolicking in the water by the beach while silently laughing at the thought in their evil brain of their students having to complete their never ending list of tasks and assignments. (I shall now officially conclude that all teachers are mean people, or maybe not. There is an exception: my English teacher, Mr Daryl Tan, who only gives us homework for our benefit - not because he wishes to see us dread - and the time spent doing his work is worth not sleeping or even watching television!) Alright, that was a little too much of exaggeration on my side of the story. I still don't understand why we are given so much work to do, even more so on holidays. I don't think I know the true meaning of a holiday anymore.
In the dictionary, it says that Holiday actually means:
1. a day fixed by law or custom on which ordinary business is suspended in commemoration of some event or in honor of some person.
2. any day of exemption from work (distinguished from WORKING DAY).
3. a time or period of exemption from any requirement, duty, assessment, etc.: New businesses may be granted a one-year tax holiday.
In the, it says that "Holiday" means:a) a time of year when you're supposed to sit back and reflect and give thanks and shit like that but actually everyone just gets drunk and eats a lot and spends lots of money because our society advocates wasting insane amounts of dough to "celebrate"
b) a really, really kick-ass song by green day. A dark political "anthem" that truly encompasses America's depressing military situation
So now you might ask me: why worry, Hadi, when you have the whole of Wednesday given to you? The reason is, blog readers, on Wednesday, the 29th of January 2009, I not only have tuition like I mentioned, but also a class outing and a senior floorball match to attend! Oh such luck.
How could you be so cold as the winter wind when it breeze yo!Kanye West