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Feb 27, 2009


Today I'm feeling a little high and dramatic.
Two main happenings today:

1. I Canceled meeting with Farah Firzanah, cos she was sick.
(seriously Khat, I didn't meet her today)

2. So I went to watch hockey B-Div Match.
Victoria versus Saint Andrews and we beat them 3-0.
*clap clap clap*

And then...
Guess what happened ^^
*drumroll for suspense*

Ex-Coach came up to me, and pleaded for me to come back.
(Hey my head is swelling, yes. I guess yours would too if Mr Fred came to beg)
"Hadi, I'm asking for a personal favour. Please come back. We need you."
I said:
"Wow! Need is a big word"

Okay no further information.

Feb 25, 2009

Skipped last period of math class today
To make it on time for our friendly match
which turned out not to be so friendly after all
at East View Sec.
We played crappy but still managed to beat them
16-2! WOW hahahahahaha
i scored 1 goal (WOW again)

note to self:
Conversations are getting rather suave
better control myself. :O

Feb 20, 2009

Birthdays used to be something I looked forward to
I dont know why it's not interesting anymore
Today i forgot my birthday and needed other people to remind me
I dont know what else I'm going to forget

Put aside all the presents and cakes etc.
I think the best present today was
being able to go back to primary school
to catch up with my favorite teacher *wink wink* hahaha
and see how things have changed.

I'm Fourteen now, for a moment.
Caught in between ten and twenty
and i'm still dreamin'

Feb 16, 2009

a striking occurrence of two events at one time apparently by mere chance
Sometimes in life we come across coincidences, strange ones
And sometimes we force ourselves to believe
that these incidences don't carry a hidden meaning

But maybe someone's trying to tell us something

Feb 13, 2009

I've decided to continue blogging.

Things have been getting better these few days
I sorted things out with certain people
I managed to play some rugby in my free time
Although there were the usual setbacks
Like failing math tests and screwing up projects
I'm pretty sure things are turning the right direction

but School life is getting boring.